Customer service +46-479-131 90

About us


If you drew a line between the northernmost point of Norway and the southernmost point of Italy, the centre point would mark Osby. This is the home of Colorpoint – strategically located at the centre of Europe, just in reach of Scandinavia as well as continental Europe.

Our company has a long history. We started our journey more than 30 years ago and have specialised in road marking materials for the last decade. We have accumulated a wealth of expertise and experience during this time, inspiring us to keep growing. We are working with several suppliers to develop new products which are even more efficient and environmentally sustainable. We also offer patented technology to reduce the material cost of ready-made markings by up to 50%.

As of 2019, we have been working on plastic-free markings suitable for use in humid and cold conditions. To prove our advancements, testing was conducted as part of the Nord Cert certification system, where our thermoplastic material proved highly wear resistant, thus significantly reducing the need for repairs. This in turn helps save resources and reduces environmental impact. Our customers appreciate these results and make us proud of our achievements.

Feel free to contact us if you would like more information about our company and the services we offer.

Thanks to our convenient location, we are always able to ensure timely service and delivery. All our products and product descriptions are available on this website and can also be ordered here.

Testfield close to Sunne (Sweden). Applied May 2015. Picture taken September 2019.


Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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